When you come to Mt. Olivet you will be greeted warmly. Please ask any questions you may have. Any of us will be glad to assist. We also have a welcome center in the foyer with someone waiting to assist you. That is also where you will find our bulletins and a visitor card you can fill out if you would like us to follow up with you. You can put the visitor card in the box at the back of the sanctuary or give it to any member and we will make sure it gets to Pastor Eric.
Our Little brothes and sisters
Children are precious in God's sight and precious to us! We welcome the children to stay in our services. Squirming and sounds from little ones do not bother us a bit. Pastor has a children's sermon time during service which is interactive and always fun! We dismiss for Children's Church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month after the scripture is read for kids ages 4-8 and our youth ages 9-12. We have a nursery for the littles from birth to age 4.
Adult Sunday School and Prayer Time
Every Sunday morning at 9:45 am Pastor teaches an adult Sunday School class that is so well attended they just had to move to a bigger room! Our Prayer Team also meets at that time in the Pastor's office for prayer and would love for you to join us!
5th Sunday Meals
On the months were there is a 5th Sunday we gather for a fellowship meal after services. We always have plenty of food so please come join us!
Men's Breakfast
The first Staturday of every month in Spring and Fall the men of MOC meet at the church at 9 AM for breakfast. The food is always good, the fellowship quality and the lesson brief but impactful (and often humorous).
Women's Breakfast
Several times a year the women of MOC meet for breakfast and fellowship.
We eat and play together just like any family! Spending time together outside of the church building allows important bonds to form that create life long friendships. We have fun. We don't take ourselves too seriously. And we would love it if you would come an join us for a day of healthy, family friendly activites!
We love to serve! We actively look for opportunites to serve in our surrounding communities. We make these opportunities family friendly and are a great way for us to bless others while growing in our faith and skills as the body of Christ