Mt. Olivet Church'S hISTORY
We are blessed as a church to have had amazing people who went before us who deliberately and diligently committed themselves to preserving an enormous amount of our church's history. We were founded in 1878. The lumber to build was brought by horse and buggy from Plattsburg, Mo (a two days journey). The original sanctuary cost $2000 to build and the Hall Construction Company out of Liberty did the construction. Every page of these documents reinforce our forefather's sincere desire to follow God and honor Him in all they did building, and then running, Mt. Olivet Church.
Our Motto: be a blessing
At Mt. Olivet Church we work in unity from one foundation: the Bible. We live our faith by loving God and loving others. We seek to serve all who come through our doors. We encourage each other and carry each other's burdens . We strive to create a welcoming and safe environment where all who come feel God's love, experience our love and are strengthened in their lives.