Do You Want The Keys To A Blessed Life?
Have you found yourself thinking that this is as good as it gets or I’m broken and my best years are behind me? Real life happens everyday. Don’t face it alone.
Jesus came to bring us hope. Hope for the future that we will be redeemed. Hope for the present that we are not alone, but are loved and have purpose. Hope even over the past, knowing that our failures are not greater than God’s power to transform.
When we as believers speak of hope, we don’t mean a desire that may or may not be fulfilled.
Jesus came to bring us hope. Hope for the future that we will be redeemed. Hope for the present that we are not alone, but are loved and have purpose. Hope even over the past, knowing that our failures are not greater than God’s power to transform.
When we as believers speak of hope, we don’t mean a desire that may or may not be fulfilled.
No, our hope is certain. Our hope for forgiveness, for reconciliation with God and a perfect, holy, eternal life that starts in this world and rests on the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Everything you have ever needed, you need now, and will ever need is found at the foot of the cross where God waits for you with his arms open to receive you with unconditional love! At the foot of the cross is where the blessed life you long for is found.
At Mt. Olivet Church you will find a group of people who know what it is like to feel broken and alone but who came to Jesus and now, though still imperfect, are living victorious lives because we have experienced the transforming power of God. We will meet you where you are at in your life and we will faithfully walk beside you every step of the way on your journey to get to know Christ, recieve His power in your life, and grow in your faith. If you choose to walk with God, your brokeness becomes a blessing and your best days are always ahead of you!
We will be your family if you will let us. We want you to come be a part of our church family! “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10
We will be your family if you will let us. We want you to come be a part of our church family! “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10
We Want you to join us!
At Mt. Olivet Church we are a relaxed, friendly, welcoming group of down-to-earth folks who seek to follow God and love each other. We fellowship together, care for each other and have a lot of fun! We would love it if you would bring your family to visit us this Sunday! See the about page for our calendar of upcoming events and the ministries page for more information about our church.

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Jesus is our message
Jesus — the sinless Son of God — died to pay the penalty for our sins and rose from the dead so that we too might have a life here and in eternity. Jesus not only came to bring hope. He is our hope.
We have hope because Jesus forgives us and transforms us into his likeness.
you will know them by their love
At Mt. Olivet Church we are convinced actions do speak louder than words. As Christians, we are called to one thing in particular, love God and love others.
We want to live out the Gospel, we want to display the love Christ showed us on the cross, and we want to extend the same grace and mercy God showed us in our brokenness to you.
Faith and simplicity
We aren't fancy. We don't have flashy multimedia presentations or a cafe. We are a simple country church filled with people who are sincere in their faith, loving, welcoming and we are a safe place for anyone who wants to know more about God.
history and stability
Mt. Olivet Church an independent, nondenominatial church founded in 1878 has a long, rich history of serving in the communities surrounding Smithville, in the United States and around the world through our missions program. We are committed to continuing in this calling now and into the future.
Personal Support
At Mt. Olivet Church we recognize that everyone is at different places in their lives and walk with God. Some are seeking, others are struggling to find their place, some are life long Christians, some are equipt with formal education. No matter where you are in your personal journey with God there is a place for you to be ministered to and places where you can serve at Mt. Olivet Church.
Let us not give up meeting together
At Mt. Olivet Church we worship and practice spiritual disciplines together, encouraging each other to be faithful. Baptism is one of the ways we follow Jesus in obedience at MOC. Baptism is like a wedding ring, it is the outward symbol of the commitment you made in your heart. Baptism is a symbol. It's meant to show the world that that you love, trust and have put your hope in Christ.